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The Look by Louise Skin Health Clinic

Phlenage Skin Booster - Course of 3

  1. Phlenage Skin Booster - Course of 3

Gift Pass: Phlenage Skin Booster - Course of 3

Plenhyage is a polynucleotide injectable treatment that stimulates fibroblasts in the skin cells to produce more collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.
The results of Plenhyage can be enjoyed for up to 6-9 months, after which patients may choose to undergo maintenance treatments.
Benefits of Polynucleotides -
-Smoothes out the appearance of acne scars, reducing the appearance of indentations of acne scarring and improving the quality of scar tissue.
-Boosts collagen production and cell turnover, reducing hyperpigmentation and sunspots.
-Reduces chronic inflammation caused by rosacea, improving the texture and tone of the skin.
-Reduces the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles, creating a youthful complexion.
-Rejuvenates the skin for a glowing appearance.
As well as being injected into the upper, mid and lower face, Plenhyage can also treat the neck, décolletage, inner arms, thighs, knees and abdomen.
I hope you enjoy this Phlenage Skin Booster - Course of 3!

Phlenage Skin Booster - Course of 3

The Look by Louise Skin Health Clinic